
Photo Finish

Author: WiseKensai

Written to support the ongoing Operation Edgelord narrative campaign.

Mission Objectives

Main Objectives

  • Damage the enemy Triphammer
    • 1 Objective Point per STR point the enemy Triphammer has lost at the end of the game, to a maximum of 3.
  • Protect your Triphammer
    • 1 Objective Point per STR point you Triphammer still has at the end of the game, to a maximum of 3.
  • Photographic Proof
    • 1 Objective Point per STR point the enemy Triphammer has lost when photographed, to a maximum of 3.

Classified Objectives

  • Each player has 1 Classified Objective.
    • 1 Objective Point.

Forces and Deployment

  • SIDE A and SIDE B: Both players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in Deployment Zones whose size depends on the number of Army Points in the Army Lists.
  • Exclusion Zone: The Exclusion Zone is the area covering 8 inches (4 inches in 150 point games) either side of the central line of the game table. Any Special Skill with the Airborne Deployment (AD) or Superior Deployment Labels cannot be used to deploy inside this area.

Photo Finish

Scenario Special Rules

TAG Deathmatch

There are 2 Triphammer S7 TAGs placed on the centerline of the table in the exclusion zone. At the start of the game, they are at full structure and are not owned by either player. Each TAG has the Heavy Shotgun, Flammenspeer (+1B), Panzerfaust (+1B) profile.

  • Once a TAG is mounted by a player, it joins the player's army in the same Combat Group as the pilot and the other TAG may not be mounted by the same player.
  • Until a TAG joins a player's army, it may not be targeted or damaged.
  • Once mounted, the TAG may act as if it were part of the player's army.
  • Note the TAG's order and Tactical Awareness order is not generated until the subsequent turn.
  • If a Replacement Pilot is mounted in a TAG, only generate one order and one Tac Aware order for the pilot + TAG.

TAG Pilot

Both players must add a Triphammer Pilot to their list, for free. The pilot does not generate an order but may take a Combat Group past 10 troopers during list building.

  • If the Triphammer Pilot is alive, it is the only model that may mount one of the Triphammer TAGs in the center of the table.
  • If the Triphammer Pilot or the Replacement Pilot is in a null state, the player may immediately nominate a Replacement Pilot, which then becomes the only model which can mount one of the Triphammer TAGs.
  • Players must nominate Engineers before any other type of model.
  • If there are no eligible Engineers, players may nominate any specialist.
  • If there are no specialists to nominate, then the player must either revive a eligible model or be without a pilot.

Photo Finish

Players must prove to the Human Sphere that their Triphammer Pilot is the best by taking a photo of the opponent's damaged TAG.

Take Photo
Entire Order, Attack
  • Only troopers with the Journalist or Forward Observer skill may declare this skill.
  • The trooper must be in Line of Fire of the enemy Triphammer.
  • The enemy Triphammer must be mounted.
  • Allows the trooper to provide photographic evidence of damage to the Triphammer.
  • Make note the current damage total the enemy Triphammer has sustained for purposes of end game scoring.
  • Should this skill be declared multiple times, override the recorded damage total sustained by the enemy Triphammer. For example, if the enemy Triphammer has sustained 1 damage and a photo is taken, that would be one point at the end of the game. However, if later, the Triphammer takes another damage and another photo is taken, the total points scored from this objective at the end of the game will be 2 total, not 1 + 2.

Journalist Bonus

Models with the Journalist Skill may attempt to Take Photo as a short skill, but must successfully pass a WIP roll to do so, including any modifier to the Journalist skill as a modifier to their WIP. This may be attempted as many times as desired.

End of the Mission

This scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts their Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.