
Xenoform Containment

Author: WiseKensai

Mission Objectives

Main Objectives

  • At the end of each game round, dominate more Sectors than your opponent.
    • 2 Objective Points per round.
  • At the end of each game round, dominate the same number of Sectors as your opponent (at least one).
    • 1 Objective Point per round.
  • At the end of the game, control more Consoles than your opponent.
    • 2 Objective Points.
  • At the end of the game, control the same number of Consoles as your opponent (at least one).
    • 1 Objective Point per round.

Classified Objectives

  • Each player has 2 Classified Objectives
    • 1 Objective Point for each classified.

Forces and Deployment

  • SIDE A and SIDE B: Both players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in Deployment Zones whose size depends on the number of Army Points in the Army Lists.
  • It is not allowed to deploy inside the Objective Room.

Xenoform Containment

Scenario Special Rules


When the game is finished, but not before, 3 Sectors are marked out. In 200/250/300/350/400 point games, these Sectors are 8 inches deep and as wide as the game table. Two of these Sectors are placed 4 inches from the central line of the game table, one on each side, and the third Sector is a strip 8 inches deep in the central area of the table.

In 150 point games, these Sectors are 4 inches deep and as wide as the game table. Two of these Sectors are placed 2 inches from the central line of the game table, one on each side, and the third Sector is a strip 4 inches deep in the central area of the table.

In this scenario each Sector is a Zone of Operations (ZO).


A Zone of Operations (ZO) is Dominated by a player if they have more Victory Points than the adversary inside the area. Only Troopers represented by Models or Markers (Camouflaged, Shasvastii-Embryo, Seed-Embryo...) count, as well as Proxies and Peripheral Troops. Troops in a Null State do not count. Tokens representing weapons or pieces of equipment (like Mines or Deployable Repeaters), fake Holoechoes, and any Token that does not represent a Trooper does not count either.

A Trooper is inside a Zone of Operations when more than half the Trooper's base is inside that ZO.


Troopers possessing the Shasvastii Special Skill that are inside a Zone of Operations count for Dominating ZO while they are in the Shasvastii-Embryo State or any non-Null State.


Troopers possessing the Baggage piece of Equipment that are inside a Zone of Operations and in a non-Null State provide an additional 20 Victory Points for Dominating the ZO and for the purposes of calculating the VP of models in a Dead state.

Xenoform Shipping Container

In this scenario the Xenoform Shipping Container is IMPASSIBLE. It may not entered or deployed in.

Placed in the center of the table, it covers an area of 8 by 8 inches. To represent the Xenoform Shipping Container, we recommend using the Objective Room by Micro Art Studio, the Command Bunker by Warsenal, or the Panic Room by Customeeple.

In game terms it is considered to have walls of infinite height that completely block Line of Fire. It has four Gates, one in the middle of each wall (See map below). The Gates of the Xenoform Shipping Container are OPEN at the start of the game. The Xenoform Shipping Container Gates must be represented by a Narrow Gate Token or a scenery piece with the same size.

Clever Girl

The Xenoform contained within the Xenoform Shipping Container is hostile to both players and will aggressively attack any models that stray too close. The reactive player must take a BS attack ARO against any model activating near an OPEN gate of the Xenoform Shipping Container, by placing a large teardrop DAM 14 versus ARM template with its origin touching the OPEN gate. The template must be a legal placement, i.e. touching the active model(s) with an unobstructed line from the template origin to the models.

If the reactive player's models would be affected, the template is not canceled and will resolve as normal. The reactive player's models are not granted an ARO from template placement, but may ARO as normal against the active model(s).

If multiple gates can lay templates affecting the active model(s), all OPEN gates must do so.


There are 4 consoles, each 6" orthogonally away from the center point of the table. Each Console must be represented by a Silhouette 5 piece of terrain. If one is not available, a Silhouette 5 marker is to be used. A Console is Controlled by a player as long as that player is the only one with at least one Trooper (as a Model, not a Marker) in Silhouette contact with it. So there cannot be any enemy Troopers in Silhouette contact with the Console. Models in a Null State cannot do either.

Hold the Door (HODOR)

Once a Console becomes controlled, the nearest Xenoform Shipping Container gate closes at the end of the order. If a Console ever becomes uncontrolled, the nearest gate opens at the end of the order in which the Console becomes uncontrolled.

End of the Mission

This scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts their Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.