Rules Patches
For the first release of BAMS, we are limiting the rules patches to the
following three. We intend to release additional rules patches in the future,
but are intentionally limiting scope for the first release to simplify the
launch of BAMS.

Reinforcements As Intended
Corvus Belli originally intended for Reinforcement lists to be played in
tournaments against non-Reinforcement lists. This was the original impetous for
the 10 point, 0.5 SWC tax on the Commlink-equipped trooper.
For 300 point tournaments, we propose the following BAMS-extra (optional rule,
declared as in effect by the tournament organizer beforehand):
- One or both of your tournament lists may be a Reinforcement list.
- Your Reinforcement list(s) must satisfy the following criteria:
- Be composed of a Main Section (240 points and 4.5 SWC) and a Reinforcement
Section (100 points and 2 SWC).
- Both sections are limited to 1 Combat Group each.
- The main section must contain one trooper with the Commlink special
- After the lieutenant WIP roll but before any turn order or deployment
choices are made, players must declare whether or not they have chosen a
reinforcements list.
- All other reinforcement rules as specified by Corvus Belli are in effect
unless superceded by a rule above.
Guided BS
BS Attack (Guided) is a useful tool, but can create a pretty unpleasant
negative play experience. To address this, we proposal the following rules
Replace the Guided section of the BS attack rule with the following:
- Troopers with the BS Attack (Guided) Skill listed on their Unit Profile:
- During the Active Turn, they may perform a BS Attack against a target in
Targeted state without requiring LoF with the following additional
- The primary target of the BS Attack (Guided) skill may declare Reset
(U-Turn) as an ARO, accounting for mods such as the -3 WIP from the
Targeted state. Reset (U-Turn) changes the target's WIP roll from being
a normal roll into a Face to Face against the BS Attack (Guided) BS
- If the Face to Face Reset (U-Turn) is successful, the entire BS Attack
is negated against all targets. Any relevant reset-based states, such as
the Targeted state, are also canceled for the Primary target. Secondary
targets resolve any AROs they have declared.
- If the Face to Face BS Attack (Guided) is successful, resolve the impact
template as normal against all affected targets. Secondary targets
resolve their declared ARO as normal. The primary target that made the
Face to Face Reset (U-Turn) is automatically hit by the attack and
ARM/BTS saves are made as normal.
- They will perform a BS Roll with a +6 MOD, ignoring all other MODs except
those imposed by ECM or TinBots to Guided Attacks. (See FAQs & Errata.
Cannot be combined with Speculative Attack.)
- Unless the Skill itself indicates otherwise, the B will always be 1
regardless of the actual B value of the Weapon or any MODs applied to the
B. This BS Attack always applies the Impact Template (Circular) Trait,
even if the weapon used does not have the Trait.
- The distance to the target cannot exceed the weapon's maximum Range.
- The target cannot be in an enclosed room, a possible trajectory for the
Attack must always exist.
- BS Attack (Guided) has a limit of 5 Attacks per Turn for the Active
- Only weapons that use the BS Attribute may be used with the BS Attack
(Guided) Skill.
As an example:
The Fusilier Angus has been put into the Targeted state by the Interventor
Morgana. Angus is standing immediately next to Fusilier Paolo, with both their
backs against the same wall. A circular template would affect both Fusiliers.
A Nomad Vertigo Zond activates and declares Idle as its first short skill.
The Vertigo Zond declares BS Attack (Guided), satisfies all requirements to do
so, and fires a missile! Angus declares Reset (U-Turn) and Paolo declares
Dodge, as Paolo would be under a circular template affecting Angus.
There are a few illustrative scenarios that might occur here:
- Scenario A - Angus rolls an 8, which is within his effective WIP 9 (-3
for Targeted) and the Vertigo Zond rolls a 6 against its effective BS of 18
(+6 for Guided). The entire attack is canceled and Angus, having made a
successful WIP -3 roll, cancels the Targeted state. Fusilier Paolo, having
declared Dodge, rolls against his PH -3 and takes his dodge move if he
- Scenario B - Angus rolls an 4, which is within his effective WIP 9 (-3
for Targeted) and the Vertigo Zond rolls a 6 against its effective BS of 18
(+6 for Guided). The attack succeeds and the impact template resolves,
causing Angus to suffer a missile hit. Fusiler Paolo also rolls a face to
face Dodge at PH -3 versus the Vertigo Zond's roll of 6. Depending on the
result of the dodge, Paolo may also have to save against a missile hit just
as Angus did.
Natural Born Warrior
Natural Born Warrior (NBW) has been proliferating across many recent profiles.
To limit the impact of the increased availability of NBW without changing
Martial Arts or unit profiles, we propose the following change to NBW:
Change the effects of the Natural Born Warrior skill to the following:
- The attacker's Martial Arts level is reduced by 2 against the user to
a minimum of canceling the Martial Arts skill entirely.
- This effect is not cumulative if multiple models with NBW
are engaged in the same combat.
In summary, a model with MA1 or MA2 effectively has its Martial Arts completely
canceled, but a model with MA3 would be reduced to MA1, with MA4 reduced to MA2
and MA5 reduced to MA3.