
Chemical Leak

Author: WiseKensai

Written to support the ongoing Operation Edgelord narrative campaign.

Mission Objectives

Main Objectives

  • At the end of each Player Turn, dominate more Quadrants than the adversary.
    • 1 Objective Point, max 6.
  • At the end of each Game Round, subjugate more Quadrants than the adversary.
    • 1 Objective Point, max 3.

Classified Objectives

  • Each player has 1 Classified Objective.
    • 1 Objective Point.

Forces and Deployment

  • SIDE A and SIDE B: Both players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in Deployment Zones whose size depends on the number of Army Points in the Army Lists.

Chemical Leak

Scenario Special Rules

Quadrants (ZO)

At the end of each Player Turn, but not before, the table is divided into four Quadrants as seen on the map. Each player then checks how many Quadrants they are dominating and counts their Objective Points.

In this scenario each Quadrant is a Zone of Operations (ZO).

Dominate ZO

A Zone of Operations (ZO) is Dominated by a player if they have more Victory Points than the adversary inside the area. Only Troopers represented by Models or Markers (Camouflaged, Shasvastii-Embryo, Seed-Embryo...) count, as well as Proxies and Peripheral Troops. Troops in a Null State do not count. Tokens representing weapons or pieces of equipment (like Mines or Deployable Repeaters), fake Holoechoes, and any Token that does not represent a Trooper does not count either.

A Trooper is inside a Zone of Operations when more than half the Trooper's base is inside that ZO.

Subjugate ZO

A Zone of Operation is Subjugated by a player as long as that player is the only one with at least one Trooper (as a Model, not a Marker) inside the area. So there cannot be any enemy Troopers inside the Zone of Operations. Models in a Null State do not count as inside the idea.

A Trooper is inside a Zone of Operations when more than half the Trooper’s base is inside that area.


Troopers possessing the Shasvastii Special Skill that are inside a Zone of Operations count while they are in the Shasvastii-Embryo State or any non-Null State.


Troopers possessing the Baggage piece of Equipment that are inside a Zone of Operations and in a non-Null State provide an additional 20 Victory Points for Dominating the ZO.

Chemical Tank

There are 4 Chemical Tanks, placed on the center of each Quadrant (See map below). Each Tank must be represented by a Console A Token or by a piece of Silhouette 5 terrain.

Jury Rig
Long Skill, Attack.
  • Only Specialist Troops can declare this Skill.
  • The Specialist Troop must be in Silhouette contact with a Tank.
  • Without a WIP roll, this skill allows the Specialist Troop to add either one or two tokens for the Tank, player's choice. Each Tank may not have more than 2 Patch tokens at any time.

Engineer Bonus

Engineers may declare the Jury Rig skill as a Short Skill, but must make and pass a WIP roll to do so.

Specialist Troops

For the purposes of this scenario, only Hackers, Doctors, Engineers, Forward Observers, Paramedics, and Troopers possessing the Chain of Command or the Specialist Operative Special Skill are considered Specialist Troops.

Hackers, Doctors, and Engineers cannot make use of Repeaters or Peripheral (Servant) Models to perform tasks reserved for Specialist Troops.

Pressurized Chemicals

The chemicals stored in the tank are quite dangerous, especially when stored under pressure. At the start of the States Phase of each Player Turn, remove a Patch token from each Chemical Tank. If you are unable to do so, all troopers in the Quadrant containing the tank suffer a DAM 14 attack against their BTS. Tanks start the game with 0 Patch tokens.

End of the Mission

This scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts their Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.