Clever Girl
Author: WiseKensai
Written to support the ongoing Operation Edgelord narrative campaign.
Mission Objectives
Main Objectives
- Have done at least 1 wound to the MegaBeast.
- Have done at least 3 wounds to the MegaBeast.
- Have done at least 5 wounds to the MegaBeast.
- Have done at least 7 wounds to the MegaBeast.
- At the end of round 2, have killed more models (at least one) with the MegaBeast or a Sasok creature while controlling the MegaBeast in ARO or with a Clever Girl order.
- At the end of round 2, have killed the same number of models (at least one) with the MegaBeast or a Sasok creature while controlling the MegaBeast in ARO or with a Clever Girl order.
- At the end of the game, have killed more models (at least one) with the MegaBeast or a Sasok creature while controlling the MegaBeast in ARO or with a Clever Girl order.
- At the end of the game, have killed the same number of models (at least one) with the MegaBeast or a Sasok creature while controlling the MegaBeast in ARO or with a Clever Girl order.
Forces and Deployment
- SIDE A and SIDE B: Both players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in Deployment Zones whose size depends on the number of Army Points in the Army Lists.

Scenario Special Rules
Brought to HueOS from Ugarat, the Morat’s home planet, as part of their public relations strategy, the enormous Gurlanak is an authentic titan of nature, a highly dangerous beast with no rivals other than its own counterparts.
- Before the Deployment Phase, place the MegaBeast in the center of the game table.
- The MegaBeast is a reactive trooper that considers both players its enemies, so it reacts to all Troopers with an Attack ARO whenever reasonable.
- The Reactive Player always declares the ARO and rolls for the MegaBeast, applying the MegaBeast profile included below.
- The MegaBeast’s Zone of Control is 8 inches.
- Note that the MegaBeast has Vulnerability (Beast Hunter). Any weapons, including AP Mines, deployed or used by a Beast Hunter will bypass the Immunity (Total) and Ballistic Resistance of the MegaBeast
- Ballistic Resistance (-3) - This model applies a -3 MOD to the Damage value of any weapon used in any BS Attack performed against it.
Gurlanak MegaBeast |
CC |
BS |
PH |
W |
S |
6-4 |
18 |
0 |
18 |
14 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7 |
Equipment: ECM: Guided (-9) - 360 Visor - Multispectral Visor L2 |
Skills: Dodge (+2") - Mimetism (-3) - Guard - Immunity (Total) - Vulnerability (Beast Hunter) - Ballistics Resistance (-3) |
Melee Weapons: AP CCW |
Sasok Creature
At the start of each player turn, if the Gurlanak is still alive and there are less than 2 Sasok creatures alive, the active player places a new Sasok Creature in base to base with the Gurlanak. All Sasok creatures are synchronized to the Gurlanak.
Sasok Creature |
CC |
BS |
PH |
W |
S |
6-4 |
20 |
9 |
14 |
12 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Skills: Dodge (+2") - Peripheral (Synchronized) |
Melee Weapons: AP CCW |
MegaBeast Hunter
You may include a free Beast Hunter model in your army. Combined Army players use a Tyrok Hunter instead. This model generates an irregular or regular order as appropriate, and does not count against the 15 model cap or 10 model limit per combat group.
Clever Girl
The Gurlanak is an incredibly smart and aggressive MegaBeast and often surprises its hunters, which of course results in great sport for the Morats hunting it.
- In addition to controlling the AROs of the Gurlanak and any synchronized Sasok creatures, the Reactive Player may spend a Command Token to interrupt the order expenditure of the Active Player.
- If the Reactive Player spends a Command Token in this way, they are granted a "Clever GIrl" activation and may spend a free single order on the Gurlanak and any synchronized Sasok creatures, treating this one order as if they were the active player.
- The actual Active Player may ARO as if they were the "Reactive Player" for this single "Clever Girl" order.
- Reactive Players may spend multiple Command Tokens to interrupt the Active Player's turn as many times as able, but they may not interrupt the Active Player twice in a row, i.e. the Active Player will get at least one order before being interrupted again.
End of the Mission
This scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.
If one of the players starts their Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.